for Prussian Deserters
Issued by Frederick the Great
10th May 1757
(Original German Text)
This is the text of an amnesty for deserters from the Prussian Army issued by Frederick the Great shortly after the Battle of Prague in May 1757. Desertion was a major problem for all armies of the period, with rates highest after defeats or when supplies were poor. In Prussia great care was always taken to minimise opportunities for desertion for example from camps or from an army on the march; nonetheless many men succeeded in getting away. Amnesties were issued by alkl states at war, for obvious reasons- trained men were able to return to the service without suffering any consequences. The notice presented here gives deserters from all parts of the army an opportunity to return either to their regiment or their corps, or to the army generally, by the end of July, on the basis that they would be fully pardoned, and the desertion would never be held against them. The notice will have been issued in all Prussian provinces.
Seine Königl. Majest. in Preussen etc. Unser allergnädigster Herr, haben in Gnaden resolviret, dass alle und jede Deserteurs von Dero Armees, und zwar sowohl von der Infanterie, als von der Cavallerie, so wie auch von denen Husaren-Regimentern und übrigen Corps, welche sich á dato bis Ablauf des Monats Julü dieses Jahres zu ihren Regimentern und Fahnen, von welechen sie ausgetreten sind, oder auch sonsten zur Königl. Armee wieder einfinden und gestellen werden, nicht nur vollkommen Pardon wegen ihrer begangenen Desertion haben, und desshalb von aller Strafe frey seyn; Sondern auch ihnen ihre Desertion niemalen vorgeworfen werden soll.
Urkundlich unter höchstgedachter Sr. Königl. Majestät höchsten Unterschrift und Siegel: Gegeben Haupt-Quartier im Lager bey Prag den 10. May 1757.
Website "The Seven Years war 1756-63
©Martin Tomczak 2003